Join your Johnson County friends and neighbors in our grassroots efforts to promote voter participation. It's up to us to reach those who don't vote and register New voters for the next election cycle. Maybe YOU are the person who needs to step up for our democracy on the local level. Get involved in your community NOW!
What Motivates Us as Democrats?
What Motivates Us as Democrats?
We work to inspire, recruit, and grow a grassroots network of active voters and volunteers by reaching out to all communities, races, genders, minorities, elderly, youth, and non-voters to increase participation by Democrats in local issues and elections and promote the election of Democrats to local, state and national offices.
Get Involved! Johnson County currently has 43 voting precincts; many not represented by a Precinct Chair. If you are passionate, motivated, interested in politics, and want to give back to your community, give us a call. You can make a positive change.
‘I’m not afraid to shake up the system,
and government needs more shaking up
than any other system I know.’-Governor Ann Richards

You have come to the right place.
Make your voice heard.
Let us know what you'd like to see more of. What you'd like to do more of? Are you a writer? Would you like to join a committee? Are you a people person?
We Want To Hear What You Have To Say. Stand up and be counted.
Do you have a knack for entertaining? Are you into binary numbers? Would you like to learn something new or learn more about something then you know now?
Want to know more? - Have a question?
Would you like to submit an article or opinion?
Want to know more? - Have a question?
Would you like to submit an article or opinion?
You are the most important member of our team. It's true. Please let your voice be heard. Submit your thoughts and opinions. There is no better measure than you.

Stand With Ukraine
Stand With Ukraine
Pray for Peace