State Rep JAMES TALARICO speaks to a full house at April Social Meeting
Johnson County Democratic Party
County Convention
March 23, 2024
February 13 Potluck & Social at East Cleburne Community Center
Heading 5
Meet JOHN LOVE, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate in 2024, in Cleburne on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Community Meeting begins at 6:30 pm at the JN Long Cultural Arts Complex, 425 Granbury Street, Cleburne, TX 76033. John will be the special guest at our monthly potluck social meeting. Hope to see you there!
John Love, Democrat for U.S. Senate
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden - Valentine's Day 2023
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden - Valentine's Day 2023
Open Hearts - Helping Hands
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden's Valentine to the U.S.
MLK Day, Monday, January 16, 2023
MLK Day, Monday, January 16, 2023
Johnson County Democrats first social meeting and potluck dinner of 2023, Tuesday, January 10
Johnson County Democrats first social meeting and potluck dinner of 2023, Tuesday, January 10
Featured speakers will be Rodger and Judy Isom, grass-roots activists from Burleson and hosts of Isom's Morning Coffee and Taco Tuesday Lunch Social. Hear from local Democrats who are making a difference in their community, network with Johnson County Democrats, and enjoy an old-fashioned potluck supper. $10 donation suggested, but NOT required. Too busy to bring a dish? Come anyway, we will have lots of good eats!
The Johnson County Democratic Party extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family of Senior District Judge C.C. "Kit" Cooke
The Johnson County Democratic Party extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family of Senior District Judge C.C. "Kit" Cooke
“The list of Senior District Judge C.C. "Kit" Cooke's accomplishments and prominent positions runs deep, but it's for Cooke's mentorship, example, friendship and sense of fairness that friends and colleagues most remember him.”
“The list of Senior District Judge C.C. "Kit" Cooke's accomplishments and prominent positions runs deep, but it's for Cooke's mentorship, example, friendship and sense of fairness that friends and colleagues most remember him.”
C.C. "Kit" Cooke, July 6, 1947-January 1, 2023
Visitation 6-8 pm Friday, January 6 at Rosser Funeral Home, Cleburne, Texas
Funeral services, 2 pm Saturday, January 7 at Field Street Baptist Church, Cleburne, Texas
C.C. "Kit" Cooke, July 6, 1947-January 1, 2023
Visitation 6-8 pm Friday, January 6 at Rosser Funeral Home, Cleburne, Texas
Funeral services, 2 pm Saturday, January 7 at Field Street Baptist Church, Cleburne, Texas
Kay Parr, chair of the Texas Democratic County Chairs Association was special guest speaker at the December 13 monthly social and potluck dinner in Cleburne. Kay also serves on the SDEC and as Parker County Chair. Thanks for sharing great insights and practical advice!
Kay Parr, chair of the Texas Democratic County Chairs Association was special guest speaker at the December 13 monthly social and potluck dinner in Cleburne. Kay also serves on the SDEC and as Parker County Chair. Thanks for sharing great insights and practical advice!
Kay Parr, chair of the Texas Democratic County Chairs Association, spoke at Tuesday's monthly social and potluck dinner at the JN Long Complex at 425 North Granbury in Cleburne. Special thanks to Kay and all who attended. bravo to our great volunteers -especially cheryl davis and all who brought the good eats- for a delicious holiday season meal at our last social meeting of 2022!
Texas Democratic Party Leaders Release Statement on the Results of the Texas 2022 Midterm Election Statewide Races
AUSTIN, Texas – Today, Texas Democratic Party Leaders – Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, Vice Chair Shay Wyrick-Cathey, Vice Chair for Finance Kendall Scudder, Secretary Lee Forbes, and Treasurer Odus Evbagharu – released the following statement on the results of the Texas 2022 midterm election statewide races:
“We won’t beat around the bush: at the statewide level, this was a tough cycle – not just here in Texas, but also in Georgia and Florida: two other big red-purple southern states with extremist, incumbent governors who also easily won re-election tonight.
“It’s exasperating to hear, but the most important thing we can do as Texas Democrats right now is to stay in the fight. Democrats will continue to make gains in cities and counties across the state, with competent and values-driven leaders getting elected to more and more positions that affect tens of millions of Texans’ everyday lives – all while building our Democratic base over time until we win at the statewide level.
“And tomorrow, that work must begin again. Because even though we weren’t able to cross the finish line tonight, it doesn’t mean we have the luxury of being dejected and discouraged.
“Women across this state are still subject to the most extreme abortion ban in the country. Gun laws in Texas haven’t changed one iota since the massacre at Uvalde – and our state is living in constant fear of the next mass shooting. Far too many hard-working families in Texas still don’t have access to basic healthcare, or quality education for their kids. Far too many families in this state are still being crushed by sky-high property taxes. The electric grid still hasn’t been fixed and we’re all worried about what might come when this winter – or next winter – rolls around.
“Even the ability to vote is out of reach for far too many Texans – mostly Texans of color, Texans with disabilities, and young people – who have been purposefully kept out of the democratic process by extremist Republicans who figured the only way to staunch the political bleeding they’re experiencing in Texas politics is to disenfranchise wide swaths of the electorate from even being able to cast a ballot.
“In the coming legislative session, we can expect a renewed push toward extremism from Texas Republicans. Despite the blaring sirens that tonight’s results yield for them directly beneath the topline numbers, they have shown themselves as willing to stop at nothing to maintain their desperate grip on power in this state.
“As we head into the next election cycle, many Texas Republicans will undoubtedly have their eye on higher office – and that means their political stunts will become more extreme, more frequent, and will come at a higher cost to everyday Texans.
“We will do everything in our power in the coming years to blunt the blows of these inevitable Republican assaults, but the only way we can truly put an end to their reign of terror is to continue our efforts to build and organize and mobilize a base of support large enough to get them out of elected office.
“Tonight, we thank our statewide candidates and their families for the months of grueling work they’ve done – the conversations they’ve shaped, the voters they’ve mobilized, the Texans they’ve inspired. We thank our volunteers and supporters for the dollars they’ve donated, the doors they’ve knocked, the phones they’ve called. We thank campaign staff, elected officials, and the everyday Texans who are happy to not have to see another political ad for the next few months.
“Tomorrow, we get back in this fight.
“Because we’ve got a state to save. We refuse to throw in the towel and give up on a state as remarkable, freedom-loving, beautiful, diverse, industrious, and trailblazing as Texas.”
Texas Democratic Party Leaders Release Statement on the Results of the Texas 2022 Midterm Election Statewide Races
AUSTIN, Texas – Today, Texas Democratic Party Leaders – Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, Vice Chair Shay Wyrick-Cathey, Vice Chair for Finance Kendall Scudder, Secretary Lee Forbes, and Treasurer Odus Evbagharu – released the following statement on the results of the Texas 2022 midterm election statewide races:
“We won’t beat around the bush: at the statewide level, this was a tough cycle – not just here in Texas, but also in Georgia and Florida: two other big red-purple southern states with extremist, incumbent governors who also easily won re-election tonight.
“It’s exasperating to hear, but the most important thing we can do as Texas Democrats right now is to stay in the fight. Democrats will continue to make gains in cities and counties across the state, with competent and values-driven leaders getting elected to more and more positions that affect tens of millions of Texans’ everyday lives – all while building our Democratic base over time until we win at the statewide level.
“And tomorrow, that work must begin again. Because even though we weren’t able to cross the finish line tonight, it doesn’t mean we have the luxury of being dejected and discouraged.
“Women across this state are still subject to the most extreme abortion ban in the country. Gun laws in Texas haven’t changed one iota since the massacre at Uvalde – and our state is living in constant fear of the next mass shooting. Far too many hard-working families in Texas still don’t have access to basic healthcare, or quality education for their kids. Far too many families in this state are still being crushed by sky-high property taxes. The electric grid still hasn’t been fixed and we’re all worried about what might come when this winter – or next winter – rolls around.
“Even the ability to vote is out of reach for far too many Texans – mostly Texans of color, Texans with disabilities, and young people – who have been purposefully kept out of the democratic process by extremist Republicans who figured the only way to staunch the political bleeding they’re experiencing in Texas politics is to disenfranchise wide swaths of the electorate from even being able to cast a ballot.
“In the coming legislative session, we can expect a renewed push toward extremism from Texas Republicans. Despite the blaring sirens that tonight’s results yield for them directly beneath the topline numbers, they have shown themselves as willing to stop at nothing to maintain their desperate grip on power in this state.
“As we head into the next election cycle, many Texas Republicans will undoubtedly have their eye on higher office – and that means their political stunts will become more extreme, more frequent, and will come at a higher cost to everyday Texans.
“We will do everything in our power in the coming years to blunt the blows of these inevitable Republican assaults, but the only way we can truly put an end to their reign of terror is to continue our efforts to build and organize and mobilize a base of support large enough to get them out of elected office.
“Tonight, we thank our statewide candidates and their families for the months of grueling work they’ve done – the conversations they’ve shaped, the voters they’ve mobilized, the Texans they’ve inspired. We thank our volunteers and supporters for the dollars they’ve donated, the doors they’ve knocked, the phones they’ve called. We thank campaign staff, elected officials, and the everyday Texans who are happy to not have to see another political ad for the next few months.
“Tomorrow, we get back in this fight.
“Because we’ve got a state to save. We refuse to throw in the towel and give up on a state as remarkable, freedom-loving, beautiful, diverse, industrious, and trailblazing as Texas.”
Kathy Chasteen for Johnson County Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace
Kathy Chasteen for Johnson County Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace
Kathy Chasteen is the Democratic Nominee for Johnson County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4. Kathy is on the ballot in Johnson County in November and represented Johnson County and Senate District 10 at the TEX DEM Convention in Dallas, July 14-16, 2022.
Let's put Kathy Chasteen to work for Johnson County!
Let's put Kathy Chasteen to work for Johnson County!
SDEC Committeeman Mark Greene in Cleburne
SDEC Committeeman Mark Greene in Cleburne
Mark Greene, Senate District 10 Committeeman on the SDEC, was the guest speaker at the September 13 social gathering of Johnson County Democrats at the JN Long Cultural Center at 425 North Granbury Street in Cleburne, Texas. Mark was elected at the recent Texas Democratic Convention in Dallas to represent the new Senate District 10 - which includes Johnson County.
Did You See Beto Win The Debate?
Did You See Beto Win The Debate?
Did you catch Friday's debate between Beto O'Rourke and Greg Abbott? After Beto's inspiring performance, it's never been clearer who ought to be the next Governor of Texas. One man on that stage only cares about lining his pockets and dividing our communities. The other cares about fighting for working families and securing a better future for the next generation of Texans.
There's only one choice in the race for Governor - and that's Beto O'Rourke. Beto met every question with thoughtful responses - addressing issues that matter to Texans. Meanwhile, Abbott delivered nothing but non-responses and lies. Embarrassing.
Beto has proven time and again that he understands the needs of Texans. We need classrooms where kids learn to read and write, not duck and cover. We need solutions, not stunts, to fix our border. We need an electric grid that gives people power, not makes politicians profits. We need a state where women have control over their bodies, not fear in their hearts.
All this and more is at stake, and with nearly a month left until Election Day, we have to give this fight everything we've got. So much is on the line, and we have no time to waste. This fight is for all of us. Our teachers, our nurses, our first responders, our families, our communities. To win this election, to take back power, to make real changes for the working families of our state - we need everyone all-in. We're counting on YOU.
Standing Room ONLY for BETO IN CLEBURNE!
Standing Room ONLY for BETO IN CLEBURNE!
Texas next Governor, Beto O'Rourke, visited Cleburne on his 49 Day Drive for Texas Tour on Wednesday, August 10, 2022.
Beto O'Rourke was greeted by a HUGE crowd of supporters in the Johnson County seat at the Kauffman Leadership Academy.
Join the hundreds of volunteers who are hard at work to build a better Texas!
For more information, visit BetoforTexas today!
Meet Beto O'Rourke in Cleburne August 10
Meet Beto O'Rourke in Cleburne August 10
Beto O'Rourke, Democratic Nominee for Governor of Texas, brings his 49 Day Drive for Texas Tour to the Johnson County seat of Cleburne on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Sign up today to be part of this great event as we rally the Johnson County vote for our next Governor Beto O'Rourke. Location of this event is the Kauffman Leadership Academy, 1108 North Anglin Street, Cleburne, Texas 76031 (ADA accessible). Click on the link below to sign up at the Beto for Texas website. See you in Cleburne!
Johnson County at the Texas Democratic Convention 2022
Thanks to all our Delegates and Delegation Chair Linda Brown for your Commitment to Democracy in Action! Let's WIN in November!
Johnson County at the Texas Democratic Convention 2022
Thanks to all our Delegates and Delegation Chair Linda Brown for your Commitment to Democracy in Action! Let's WIN in November!
Johnson County Democratic Party County Convention
was held on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at the
JN Long Cultural Arts Complex, 425 North Granbury St., Cleburne, Texas.
Johnson County Democratic Delegates selected to attend the Texas Democratic Party Convention in Dallas, July 14-16, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison convention Center:
Amber Barba, Lewis Barba, Donita Bowers, Neil Bowers, Linda Brown, Kathy Chasteen, Bill Conover, Debra Elizondo, Otilia Enriquez, Chris Evans,
Sheryl Gray, Bill Hammons, Donileta Hammons, Charles Huff, Rhonda Huff, Fred Kroeger, Linda Kroeger, Desdemona Lewis,
Deborah Lightfoot Sizemore, Michael Lummus, Cheryl Denise Maben, Dave Maben, Kenneth Miser, Michael Moore, Leslie Rana Morvant, Avery Owen, Paudyal Kiran, Cindy Rocha, Simon Rocha, Sonja Sarr, Mark Spears, Diana Weaver, Jerry Willis, Sonya Woodall, Gary Yawn.
For More Information:
Johnson County Democratic Party County Convention
was held on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at the
JN Long Cultural Arts Complex, 425 North Granbury St., Cleburne, Texas.
Johnson County Democratic Delegates selected to attend the Texas Democratic Party Convention in Dallas, July 14-16, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison convention Center:
Amber Barba, Lewis Barba, Donita Bowers, Neil Bowers, Linda Brown, Kathy Chasteen, Bill Conover, Debra Elizondo, Otilia Enriquez, Chris Evans,
Sheryl Gray, Bill Hammons, Donileta Hammons, Charles Huff, Rhonda Huff, Fred Kroeger, Linda Kroeger, Desdemona Lewis,
Deborah Lightfoot Sizemore, Michael Lummus, Cheryl Denise Maben, Dave Maben, Kenneth Miser, Michael Moore, Leslie Rana Morvant, Avery Owen, Paudyal Kiran, Cindy Rocha, Simon Rocha, Sonja Sarr, Mark Spears, Diana Weaver, Jerry Willis, Sonya Woodall, Gary Yawn.
For More Information:
Johnson County Texas Democratic Party 2022-2024 Precinct Chairs & Officers
Johnson County Texas Democratic Party 2022-2024 Precinct Chairs & Officers
Newly elected Precinct Chairs and Officers were installed on June 13, 2022. Fifteen members of the Johnson County Democratic Party Team are pictured above.
Democratic Primary Run-Off Election Canvass
Democratic Primary Run-Off Election Canvass
The Johnson County Democratic Party canvassed the results of the May 24, 2022, Democratic Primary Run-Off Election on June 2, 2022, at the JN Long Cultural Arts Center Annex Bulding, 425 Granbury Street, Cleburne, Texas. Newly elected Precinct Chairs will be sworn in on Monday, June 13, 2022.
Judge Erin Nowell for Texas Supreme Court, Place 3
Judge Erin Nowell for Texas Supreme Court, Place 3
Judge Erin Nowell, Democratic Candidate for Texas Supreme Court, Place 3, was the very special guest of Johnson County Democrats at the May 10 Social Meeting & Potluck Dinner. A large crowd of Johnson County voters welcomed Judge Nowell and heard about her campaign for the Texas Supreme Court.
More than 100 Democrats were on hand Saturday, January 29, 2022 for the DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE TOUR in Cleburne. The tour also reached voters in Midlothian, Valley Mills, and Waco. Kathy Chasteen, who is running for Johnson County Justice of the Peace, Prct. 4, excited the crowd with news of her local campaign.
Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa, SDEC District 22 Members Tammie Hartgroves and Thom Hanson, were joined by candidates Joy Diaz, Michael Cooper, Luke Warford, Janet Dudding, Susan Hays, Jinny Suh, A. Reichek, J. Maldonado, R. Johnson, Tracy Fisher. and C. Robinson, plus an enthusiastic crowd.
President Joe Biden
Calling All Democrats! The Path to Progress in 2022
The path to progress begins locally. That is why we continue to reach out to you for support. Never before has it been more important for Democrats to organize at the grassroots level in our neighborhoods and across Johnson County.
Johnson County Democrats maintain a strong internet presence. We reach out to our community through social media. We operate a headquarters in Cleburne. We work hard at the local level to increase our effectiveness across the county.
Johnson County Democrats proudly carry the Democratic Banner in our communities by recruiting new voters and energetic volunteers, supporting local chapters of Texas Democratic Women and Chisholm Trail Stonewall Democrats. We take part in community-building events like Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth, July 4th, and the Johnson County Pioneers & Old Settlers Reunion.
We host monthly social meetings with prominent speakers on timely topics. We work to protect, preserve, and expand voting rights. We fight for fair re-districting. We WILL turn Texas Blue and we support our President and Vice President.
Democrats are working hard to defeat the pandemic, rebuild our democracy, and unite our country. President Biden and Vice President Harris need our help. To finish the job of getting our country back on track, we need to do more - starting with the critical 2022 midterm election. That is why we need your support today to win in 2022.
Calling All Democrats! The Path to Progress in 2022
The path to progress begins locally. That is why we continue to reach out to you for support. Never before has it been more important for Democrats to organize at the grassroots level in our neighborhoods and across Johnson County.
Johnson County Democrats maintain a strong internet presence. We reach out to our community through social media. We operate a headquarters in Cleburne. We work hard at the local level to increase our effectiveness across the county.
Johnson County Democrats proudly carry the Democratic Banner in our communities by recruiting new voters and energetic volunteers, supporting local chapters of Texas Democratic Women and Chisholm Trail Stonewall Democrats. We take part in community-building events like Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth, July 4th, and the Johnson County Pioneers & Old Settlers Reunion.
We host monthly social meetings with prominent speakers on timely topics. We work to protect, preserve, and expand voting rights. We fight for fair re-districting. We WILL turn Texas Blue and we support our President and Vice President.
Democrats are working hard to defeat the pandemic, rebuild our democracy, and unite our country. President Biden and Vice President Harris need our help. To finish the job of getting our country back on track, we need to do more - starting with the critical 2022 midterm election. That is why we need your support today to win in 2022.